Welcome to the Case for Torah website. The Torah is the Hebrew name for the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible; namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It is also commonly called the Old Testament law. When Christians say they are free from the law, or free from the Old Testament law, it is the Torah that they are referring to.
The purpose for this site is to challenge this belief – that Christians are free from the Torah. Perhaps your first inclination is to say “The first covenant (or Old Testament, or Torah) was too much of a burden (Acts 15) and could not save you (2 Cor 3:6-7).” And yet we see God declare the Torah to be a source of blessing and not difficult to follow (Deut 30:11-20). If you are concerned that you will come under a bunch of do's and don'ts if you are convinced by some of the arguments on this site – don't be! There are some lifestyle changes, but only make them as you become convinced through the study of God's Word. Most sincere Christians already follow 90% of the Torah and don't realize it.
One more thing, salvation is not by works and never has been! It is by faith, through grace, but it is evidenced by works (James 2:18). And if you love God, you show it by obeying his commands (1 John 5:3). So please do not think that you are attempting to earn your salvation if you begin following the Torah.
The idea that New Testament believers are free from the law (Torah) comes from several New Testament scriptures which have been misunderstood. It is the purpose of this site to show how they have been misunderstood. We strive to do this by using a proper hermeneutic (asking the question, what is the meaning the authors originally intended as they were guided by the Holy Spirit).
The purpose for this site is to challenge this belief – that Christians are free from the Torah. Perhaps your first inclination is to say “The first covenant (or Old Testament, or Torah) was too much of a burden (Acts 15) and could not save you (2 Cor 3:6-7).” And yet we see God declare the Torah to be a source of blessing and not difficult to follow (Deut 30:11-20). If you are concerned that you will come under a bunch of do's and don'ts if you are convinced by some of the arguments on this site – don't be! There are some lifestyle changes, but only make them as you become convinced through the study of God's Word. Most sincere Christians already follow 90% of the Torah and don't realize it.
One more thing, salvation is not by works and never has been! It is by faith, through grace, but it is evidenced by works (James 2:18). And if you love God, you show it by obeying his commands (1 John 5:3). So please do not think that you are attempting to earn your salvation if you begin following the Torah.
The idea that New Testament believers are free from the law (Torah) comes from several New Testament scriptures which have been misunderstood. It is the purpose of this site to show how they have been misunderstood. We strive to do this by using a proper hermeneutic (asking the question, what is the meaning the authors originally intended as they were guided by the Holy Spirit).